Student Life Guide

Budgeting 101: Managing Finances as a Student

Budgeting 101: Managing Finances as a Student

Embarking on the journey of higher education marks a significant milestone in one’s life, filled with newfound independence, intellectual growth, and the excitement of shaping one’s future. However, along with the thrill of academia comes […]

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Exploring Different Study Spaces on Campus for Maximum Productivity

Exploring Different Study Spaces on Campus for Maximum Productivity

As the demands of academic life continue to evolve, so does the need for versatile and effective study environments. Beyond the traditional library setting, today’s students have a plethora of options to choose from when […]

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Navigating the Challenges of Long-Distance Friendships in College

Navigating the Challenges of Long-Distance Friendships in College

Entering college marks a pivotal chapter in one’s life, characterized by newfound independence, academic pursuits, and the forging of lifelong friendships. However, amidst the excitement and opportunities, many students grapple with the challenge of maintaining […]

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